Acupuncture promotes the body’s ability to heal itself by stimulating acupuncture points on the body that connect to our endocrine, immune, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. During treatment, experienced practitioners use super-fine needles and at times pressure, heat or electrical stimulation. Treating a multitude of issues such as pain, sleep trouble, and digestion; acupuncture can help Nexus clients achieve a higher quality of life.
Acupuncture promotes the body’s ability to heal itself by stimulating acupuncture points on the body that connect to our endocrine, immune, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. During treatment, experienced practitioners use super-fine needles and at times pressure, heat or electrical stimulation. Treating a multitude of issues such as pain, sleep trouble, and digestion; acupuncture can help Nexus clients achieve a higher quality of life.